New Uplinks / Mappings – Channels Available
151 APP added to 110° TP 13 (ITV XiP Preview) AVAILABLE (Limited) xED
151 APP added to 61.5° TP 10 (ITV XiP Preview) AVAILABLE (Limited) xED
269 APP added to 110° TP 13 (ITV XiP Preview) AVAILABLE (Limited) xED
269 APP added to 61.5° TP 10 (ITV XiP Preview) AVAILABLE (Limited) xED
874 APP [Spanish Channel] added to 110° TP 13 (ITV XiP Preview) AVAILABLE (Limited) xED
874 APP [Spanish Channel] added to 61.5° TP 10 (ITV XiP Preview) AVAILABLE (Limited) xED

9333 Channels